A Desinformação na Era da Informação
Posted on April 2, 2024
| 16 minutes
| 3299 words
| Alexandre Paloschi
Trabalho acadêmico apresentado em cumprimento das exigências da disciplina de Ambiente Profissional e de Extensão (APEX II) do Curso Superior de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas.
Orientador: Carla Reis
São José dos Campos 2024
Este trabalho visa delinear a situação atual do problema da desinformação e das fake news nas redes sociais. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre os diversos pressupostos de análise do problema e as abordagens mais recentes para sua minimização.
[Read More]Today I learned: Django
Posted on April 19, 2023
| 1 minutes
| 104 words
| Alexandre Paloschi
Create a project $ django-admin startproject name_of_the_project Create an app inside the project $ python manage.py startapp name_of_the_app Remember that a project can have many apps inside.
Basic workflow Create a view # <app>/views.py from django.http import HttpResponse def index(request): return HttpResponse("The view") Create the URLs Wire the views in /urls.py by creating (for example) path() calls;
# <app>/urls.py from django.urls import path from . import views urlpatterns = [ path("january", views.
[Read More]Proteção Excessiva
Posted on April 19, 2023
| 3 minutes
| 443 words
| Alexandre Paloschi
A diferença entre o remédio e o veneno está na dose. Não é assim que dizem?
Esta postagem é um desabafo. Há algum tempo que venho tendo problemas com sistemas de controle de autorização (OAuth), embora não tenha certeza se esses problemas sejam específicos do protocolo.
Dia desses eu tentei criar logins em diversos sites de emprego (pois é, na busca). Para criar esses logins eu utilizei minha autorização de acesso do e-mail que utilizo para todas as tarefas relativas a este site.
[Read More]Rebuilding Burglar
Posted on March 21, 2023
| 3 minutes
| 451 words
| Alexandre Paloschi
I had the idea of making Burglar sometime in 2018. It would be a match-3 style game, but with a twist. The stones wouldn’t follow a rectangular grid, but a circular one. In a way, it’s something like four binary trees arranged in a circle. The stones appear randomly in one of the four central slots. Then, you have to decide if you move the grid clockwise or counter-clockwise. Choice made, the stone will migrate to the immediate outer circle in the direction of your choosing, and another one will surge in the center (in one of the four central slots and of random color).
[Read More]Interesting cast issue in Java
Posted on June 27, 2022
| 1 minutes
| 191 words
| Alexandre Paloschi
Some days ago I was convinced by my friend Fernando to start learning Java. I wondered, “Why not?”. While examining the first chapters of Java - A Beginner’s Guide, I stumbled upon this interesting “issue”.
Because of Java’s automatic type promotion in expressions, an aparently correct code can cause compilation errors. See…
byte b = 20; b = b * 2; // This will trigger a compilation error. You can't assign an int to a byte.
[Read More]Never in straight lines
Posted on June 27, 2022
| 2 minutes
| 323 words
| Alexandre Paloschi
Today I ordered a pizza. I took the car and went to the restaurant to grab the order, instead of waiting for the delivery guy. It’s something I do from time to time. I payed for the pizza and walked to the car to get back home.
Then, this guy approached me, a total stranger. He had an unusual request to make. He asked me to give him a ride, so he could try to catch a bus somewhere else (the restaurant is located in a neighborhood not well served by bus lines).
[Read More]I need a programming project idea
Posted on April 23, 2022
| 3 minutes
| 589 words
| Alexandre Paloschi
The most common question I read in every thread, and I imagine you already have too, is “I’m new at programming and I want to practice, can someone give me some project ideas?”.
Usually people have a very long list of responses right under the sleeve, and the options range from programming challenges to traditional and easy to build programs like a pomodoro timer, or a reminder. There are even complete projects devoted to this situation, some of them very interesting (and I’ll list them at the end of this post), but I want to share a different approach.
[Read More]A Ética Digital Nas Empresas
Posted on January 1, 0001
| 27 minutes
| 5545 words
| Alexandre Paloschi
Trabalho acadêmico apresentado em cumprimento das exigências da disciplina de Ambiente Profissional e de Extensão (APEX I) do Curso Superior de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas.
Orientador: Carla Reis
São José dos Campos 2023
RESUMO Este trabalho visa traçar um panorama sobre a ética digital nas empresas, sua gênese, suas características e as dificuldades de sua aquilatação. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre as diversas perspectivas históricas do termo ‘ética’, e sobre diversos episódios atuais em que, nos diversos aspectos influenciados pela escalada tecnológica que presenciamos, a conduta empresarial passou ao largo do que se aceita como comportamento ético.
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